Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well it's been a while since I last posted but it's been one of those times when I've just felt uninspired, it was all I could do to just get the projects done that I was working on for school.  That said, I didn't really like much of what I was doing.  But I've been getting out of that slump and am doing some fun sketches.  Lately I've been getting into drawing old WWII planes so that's what I've been doing for the last couple of days.  I've also got a pen and ink sketch I did of an old mill that is in the town where I grew up.  I hope you like them.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wire Sculpture!

I started on a new scene for turban dude today but it's not finished yet so more to come on that later.  In the mean time I thought I'd share more of what we are doing in school.  I'm working on a project for my 3d design class that has actually been more fun than I thought it would be.  We've been doing wire sculpture, which is basically a 3d contour line drawing.  I chose to do a owl as it would look swooping in to catch a mouse or something.  It is hard to get a sense for it in a picture as opposed to real life but at least it gives you an idea.  The idea is to capture the form using the fewest lines possible.  It's been a challenge but a fun one.  I'll be sure to post more about it when I'm finished.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School Sketchbook Stuff

I had a lot of school stuff going on today so I didn't get a chance to work on digital stuff.  I'm hoping to get something done tomorrow though! In the mean time I thought I'd share a page from one of my sketch books.  This is for drawing for illustration.  I was having fun with different plane designs.  Anyway, I hope you like it and I will have something more for you tomorrow!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Turban Dude!

First of all I want to apologize for not having posted in such a long time.  School has been taking most of my attention the last few days.  But, I've decided that, just like everything else in life, I just need to make time to post stuff up here.  

So I've wanted to delve more into the character and world of the turban guy I've been putting into a lot of my paintings.  It's funny I just put him in there to add more drama to some of the scenes and I liked how much dramatic billowing you could get from a turban, but now that I've put him in so many things I want to do more with him so my wife and I have been bouncing ideas off each other and we have the beginnings of a world and a story.  So in my free time I'll be posting some of the concept sketches and things that I'll be making as we flesh out what we want to do with it and as we get more finished pieces I'll be sure to post them up here too.

This piece is just a quick sketch I did this morning trying to nail down what I want my turban guy to look like.  A lot of my inspiration for this character will come from the old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns.  I liked those movies a lot as a kid and the whole nameless wanderer motif seems to fit turban dude rather well, though I guess I'll have to figure out something better to call him eventually than turban dude.  Anyway I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why are they called FUNdamentals?

So for the last little while we've been doing fundamental stuff. wheeee.  But even if it's not the most fun thing in the world to draw cubes floating around in space it will make all the difference when I'm working professionally.  Right now we are working with linear perspective, which is to create the illusion of three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface.  It's all very mathematical.  (and here I thought I was getting out of math by going into art).  But it's interesting too.  We started with isometric perspective, which is where all of the sides of an object are the same length (think Escher)  It doesn't exist in the real world, but it is a good start to working in perspective.

Right now we are working with one point perspective.  That is where everything in the image recedes to a single point on the horizon line.  The horizon is your eye level, so even if you can't see the literal horizon (where earth meets sky) the image still has a horizon line.  Cool stuff.  I've got some sketches that illustrate that a bit.  Hopefully over the weekend I'll have some time to start painting again...we'll see. I hope everyone is having a great week!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back From the Dead!

So it's been kind of a crazy week, sorry I've dropped off the face of the earth.  But the good news is I do have some awesome classes lined up for this semester so I'll be getting some good stuff for you all to see.  So be sure to be checking back because I will be posting pretty regularly, and I'll all sorts of different things so it should be fun!  This is a sketch I did for my drawing for illustration class. I'm doing some studies of hyenas for a project.  Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Desert Canyon

It's been a while since we've seen from turban dude so he's back today.  This time he's in some kind of desert canyon with tent-dwellings there.  I was going for maybe a nomadic tribe or something like that that could build semi-permanent dwellings that could be taken down easily if need be.  

 School is starting this week and it will take up a lot more of my time, unfortunately leaving less to work on stuff for the blog.  But I'll also be doing some (hopefully) cool stuff in my classes there so I'll keep posting those things up so be sure and check back!

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