Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wire Sculpture!

I started on a new scene for turban dude today but it's not finished yet so more to come on that later.  In the mean time I thought I'd share more of what we are doing in school.  I'm working on a project for my 3d design class that has actually been more fun than I thought it would be.  We've been doing wire sculpture, which is basically a 3d contour line drawing.  I chose to do a owl as it would look swooping in to catch a mouse or something.  It is hard to get a sense for it in a picture as opposed to real life but at least it gives you an idea.  The idea is to capture the form using the fewest lines possible.  It's been a challenge but a fun one.  I'll be sure to post more about it when I'm finished.  

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. You can totally tell it's an owl, especially from the first and last pictures.


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